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- /*------------------------ Main Menu Help Information ---------------- */
- HelpMainMenu:
- Sound Producer Pro comes with a sound driver for software
- applications, as well as many DOS and Windows software applications
- for your enjoyment. Software utilities are also included to provide
- easy configuration of the hardware settings, external devices, and
- to verify installation of Sound Producer Pro.
- DOS Software Applications:
- CD Player Sound Master Monologue
- Mixer SoundScript Sound Tracks
- Windows Software Applications:
- Voice Notes JukeBox Mixer
- WinDAT
- Note: The full installation will take up 4.5MB of hard drive space.
- Playback Diskette Only Option:
- ------------------------------
- This option will create a diskette with a Playback Only version of VOICE
- NOTES, a Windows sound driver that doesn't require a sound card, and an
- installer for both of these. You may give this diskette to your
- associates so that they can play Voice Notes embeded in
- documents you send them. The sound driver will be installed only if
- there is no hardware already installed that can play PCM format sound.
- EndMainMenu:
- /*----------------------- Complete Installation ------------------------*/
- HelpComplete:
- The "Complete Installation" will copy over all DOS and Windows
- applications to your system. It will also modify the SYSTEM.INI and
- PROGMAN.INI files in your \WINDOWS subdirectory and the file SETUP.INF
- in your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectory. Backup copies of the files,
- SYSTEM.SP1, PROGMAN.SP1, and SETUP.SP1, will be created on your system.
- One main directory and seven subdirectories will be created on your
- hard drive. Please refer to your Sound Producer Manual or the
- Information and Help section of this diskette for more information
- about each of the programs being loaded. The full installation will
- take 3.5MB of hard drive space. Here is a representation of the
- new structure.
- I
- ---------\MONOLOG
- I
- ---------\SPMASTER
- I
- ---------\STRACKS
- I
- ---------\VOYETRA
- I
- ---------\UTILITY
- I
- ---------\WINDOWS
- Installation will only modify your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files
- if you have a CD-ROM drive attached to the AT-Bus connector. The
- installer will copy a DEVICE statement into your CONFIG.SYS file and
- make a backup file, CONFIG.SP1. The installer will then copy an
- executable statement into your AUTOEXEC.BAT file and make a backup
- file, AUTOEXEC.SP1.
- EndComplete:
- /*----------------------- Windows Applications ------------------------*/
- HelpWin:
- The Windows applications included are:
- Voice Notes -- enables you to add custom voice annotation to all
- Windows applications that support Object Linking
- and Embedding (OLE) such as documents, spreadsheets,
- and presentations.
- JukeBox -- provides an easy way to see and hear "sound events"
- entered into a Playlist in the Windows environment.
- The playlist can include MIDI files, .WAV files, or
- CD tracks. Jukebox includes features such as the
- ability to create, edit, and save the playlist, and
- an Event Manager option to add, search for and
- audition files.
- Mixer -- controls the volume of your stereo audio sources
- during digitized audio playback for the Mic, CD
- Audio, FM, Line-in, Voice, COVOX, Vol (volume),
- Bal (Balance), Bas (Bass), and Trb (Treble).
- WinDAT -- allows you to play, record, and edit digital audio
- files in the Windows environment. Features of WinDAT
- include easy-to-use tape deck-styled control buttons,
- a Windows-type clipboard, a graphic display of digital
- audio files, and powerful editing functions.
- EndWin:
- /*----------------------- DOS Applications ----------------------------*/
- HelpDos:
- The DOS applications included are:
- SoundScript -- an exciting, easy-to-use multimedia authoring
- language that combines sound and animation. Using a
- script, you can integrate graphics animation files
- in the .FLI format with the sound capabilities of
- Sound Producer Pro.
- Sound Master -- allows you to record, play, edit, and enhance your
- recordings. Using the built-in editor, you can edit
- sound files of any length with the extension of .VOC,
- .WAV, and .SND.
- Monologue -- a realistic text-to-speech synthesizer program that adds
- speech to your text-based DOS applications, such as Lotus,
- Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, and WordStar. When you
- highlight a row, column, paragraph or file, Monologue
- will read the text and generate voice output.
- Sound Tracks -- is a DOS player that will play all your favorite songs.
- You can play from the list of 20 songs included, or you
- can add your own in the .CMF format.
- CD Player -- program allows you to play audio CDs under software control.
- Mixer -- controls the volume of stereo audio sources, such as
- Stereo CD-Audio, Stereo DAC, Stereo Line-in, Stereo FM,
- Stereo Microphone, Disney Sound Source, and Covox Speech
- Thing, during digitized audio playback.
- EndDos:
- /*-----------------------Other Orchid Products ------------------------*/
- HelpOtherp:
- Orchid Products
- Orchid Technology is a leading manufacturer of hardware and peripherals
- for personal computers. Since its incorporation in 1982, Orchid has been at
- the forefront of the personal computer industry with the introduction of
- exciting and new products. The following is a list of the products we
- currently manufacture:
- Fahrenheit 1280
- The Fahrenheit 1280 is the next generation Super VGA graphics adapter. Its
- Graphics Accelerator technology provides for faster Windows and CAD video
- performance. The Fahrenheit 1280 offers video resolutions up to 1280 x 1024
- and up to 72Hz vertical refresh rate and up to 16.8 million colors.
- Fahrenheit VA
- The Fahrenheit VA is more than just a Windows Accelerator--it features the
- fastest graphics possible, with a twist! With Orchid's own Voice Notes
- software, the Fahrenheit VA enables you to add custom voice annotation to
- all Windows applications supporting Object Linking & Embedding (OLE). A
- single keystroke opens the Voice Notes window, allowing you to easily
- record, play, pause, and automatically embed your recording within the
- document. The Fahrenheit VA offers video resolutions up to 1280 x 1024
- and up to 72Hz vertical refresh rate and up to 16.8 million colors.
- ProDesigner IIs
- The ProDesigner IIs, an industry standard, delivers outstanding cost vs.
- performance at resolutions to 1024 x 768 and colors to 32,768 with refresh
- rates at the ergonomically pleasing 72Hz.
- ProDesigner IIs/D
- The ProDesigner IIs/D delivers all the features and capabilities of the
- ProDesigner IIs, but at twice the speed. The ProDesigner IIs/D is custom
- designed to work with the Orchid Superboard 486 Vesa Local Bus. The
- ProDesigner IIs/D will plug into the Superboard's Vesa Local Bus slot
- which by-passes the AT expansion bus and connects directly CPU.
- ProDesigner IIs/EISA
- The ProDesigner IIs/EISA is a 1MB Super VGA graphics adapter for high
- performance EISA personal computers. The ProDesigner IIs/EISA provides
- ease of installation and all the SVGA high resolutions and colors you've
- come to expect from Orchid.
- ProDesigner IIs/MC
- The ProDesigner IIs/MC is a high performance SVGA adapter based upon the
- same proven design as the Pro IIs. It offers owners of IBM PS/2 Micro
- Channel personal computers and 100% compatibles, the performance and
- high color support that owners of the Orchid ISA and EISA video adapters
- have come to appreciate.
- RamQuest 8/16
- The RamQuest 8/16 is an ISA memory card that is expandable to 32MB. The
- RamQuest 8/16 installs in less than 3 minutes on your IBM PC, XT, AT and
- compatibles. Extended and expanded memory are supported for maximum
- compatibility.
- RamQuest 16/32
- The RamQuest 16/32 is a Micro Channel memory card that is expandable to
- 8MB. The IBM PS/2 Model 50, 55sx, 60, 70, 80 and 100% compatibles are
- supported. The RamQuest 16/32 installs in less than 10 minutes and
- provides up to a 50% increase in performance. Delivers true 32-bit
- memory with correct memory configuration.
- Superboard 486 VLB
- The Superboard 486 VLB (VESA Local Bus) is an ISA motherboard equipped
- with two VLB slots for a high-performance video card and/or fast IDE
- controller. The local bus design provides direct 32-bit data transfer
- between the video card/IDE controller and the CPU at CPU speeds. Pair
- the Superboard 486 VLB with an Orchid Fahrenheit VA/VLB graphics card,
- and you will experience the fastest graphics and motherboard combination
- possible.
- Sound Producer Pro
- The Sound Producer Pro delivers an unparalleled features set while
- maintaining 100% SoundBlaster Pro compatibility. With 20-voice FM
- synthesizer and digital sounds, it delivers support for 4 sound
- standards, and the ability to add Voice Notes to any Windows document
- that supports Object Linking & Embedding (OLE). The Sound Producer Pro
- delivers the highest quality sound to your favorite games or business
- presentations, with sampling rates up to 44.1 KHz. It comes complete with
- joystick port, MIDI In/Out support, and stereo microphone input.
- EndOtherp:
- /*-----------------------Technical Support Help -----------------------*/
- HelpTchsupt:
- New Sound Producer PRO drivers and additional drivers not included with
- this disk are available through the Orchid Technical Support Department;
- may be downloaded from the Orchid BBS or you may also send your driver
- questions and requests via Fax to the numbers listed below:
- Technical Support Department (phone) (510) 683-0323
- Technical Support Department (fax) (510) 683-0355
- Orchid's BBS, 2400 baud, N, 8, 1 (510) 683-0327
- Orchid's BBS, 9600 baud, N, 8, 1 (510) 683-0555
- Orchid currently provides a 16-line BBS system: 12-lines are dedicated
- to 2400 baud units and 4-lines are dedicated to the 9600 baud units. We
- recommend that 1200 baud users call in on the 2400 baud lines. Orchid's
- modem settings are: Parity=NONE (N), Data Bits=8, and Stop Bits=1.
- EndTchsupt:
- /*--------------------More Menu Help---------------------------------*/
- HelpMore:
- Information and Help....contains information about the Windows and
- DOS applications included with the Sound Producer Pro. Also included in
- this section are phone numbers for the Orchid Technical Support
- Department, the Orchid BBS, and a listing of other Orchid Products.
- EndMore:
- /*-------------------- Question the user about Windows on system ----*/
- HelpWinqus:
- This question is asked to determine if Microsoft Windows 3.1 is
- installed on your system.
- If Microsoft Windows is installed, answer "YES" and the SINSTALL will
- automatically modify Windows 3.1 adding the drivers and programs
- directly into Windows.
- If Microsoft Windows is not installed, answer "NO" and the SINSTALL
- will not modify Windows 3.1. Note: The sound drivers could be
- installed manually by running the OEMSETUP in the \PRODUCER\WINDOWS
- subdirectory. To do that, Enter Windows and double click on the
- Control Panel icon under the Main group. Double click on the Drivers
- icon and click on the ADD button. From the list of options, select
- Unlisted or Updated Drivers. When prompted for the location, type:
- <Driver>:\PRODUCER\WINDOWS and add all three Sound Producer options.
- EndWinqus:
- /*------------------- Question the user about AT-Bus CD-ROM ---*/
- HelpCDqus:
- The question is asked to determine whether the Sound Producer Pro's AT-Bus
- Connector is connected to a CD-ROM Drive. The drivers, SPCDU.SYS and
- MSCDEX.EXE, must be loaded in the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT file
- respectively on your system in order for the CD-ROM drive to work correctly.
- If YES, statements will be added to the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
- If NO, the installer will continue.
- HelpCDcomplete:
- The device statement for the CONFIG.SYS is:
- Device=<DRIVE>:\Producer\Utility\SPCDU.SYS /D:de-name
- The /D parameter in the above statement is used to specify a device
- name for the CD-ROM (de-name). You have the option to type in the
- device name you want.
- In your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, this statement is needed execute the Microsoft
- CD-ROM Extension file driver when you startup your computer:
- C:\PRODUCER\DRIVERS\MSCDEX.EXE /D:de-name [/M:n][/E][/V][/L:dr-ltr]
- The parameters of the above statement are defined as follows:
- Parameter Description
- ========= ===========
- /D:de-name This parameter specifies the name of the device.
- This name MUST be identical to the device name
- used in the CONFIG.SYS statement.
- /M:n This parameter specifies the number of sector
- buffers used to cache the path table of a CD-ROM
- disc. Each drive should have a minimum of 4 to 5
- buffers. The larger this number, the less your
- PC has to read directly from the CD-ROM drive.
- /E This parameter lets MSCDEX.EXE use expanded
- memory if it is available.
- /V This parameter displays memory usage when
- starting your PC.
- /L:dr-ltr This parameter is used to assign a drive letter
- to the first CD-ROM drive.
- EndCDqus:
- EndCDcomplete:
- /*---------------- Help for the the Windows Installation ---------*/
- HelpUseWin:
- Before you start any applications, we recommend that you run our
- diagnostic program to verify that all the Sound Producer Pro settings
- are correct (i.e. Address, Interrupt, and DMA Settings). Using the
- DOS CD\ (change directory) command, change to the \PRODUCER\UTILITY
- subdirectory and type the following:
- If you require more information, please refer to Chapter 2 of the Sound
- Producer Pro User's Manual.
- To run the applications, start Windows 3.1 by typing: "WIN" from your
- \WINDOWS subdirectory. There will be a window called "Sound Producer
- Pro". Drag the Voice Notes icon from the Sound Producer Pro window to
- the Startup Group window and restart Microsoft Windows.
- ALL DRIVERS WILL BE LOADED UNDER WINDOWS 3.1. If a problem occurs, you
- may need to reload the sound drivers for the Sound Producer Pro. Using
- your mouse, double click on the Main Group window. Double click on the
- Control Panel icon. Double click on the Drivers icon. Click on the ADD
- button. You will see a list of driver options. Select the Sound Producer
- Pro WAVE & MIDI option and click on the OK button. All sound drivers
- required for the Sound Producer Pro to function correctly under Windows
- will now be loaded. Note: If you do not use the default address
- (220 Hex, IRQ 7, DMA Channel 1), you must run the above commands and
- select the new addresses that were configured with "SPCONFIG".
- "SOUND PRODUCER PRO". If a problem occurs and you need to reload
- the program icons, follow the Microsoft Windows 3.1 Manual for
- selecting applications and dragging them to a window.
- Norton Desktop for Windows Users:
- ---------------------------------
- Due to the way Norton Desktop for Windows modifies the GRP
- configuration, you will have to load the Windows applications
- manually. Use the File Manager and drag the following EXE file
- into a Window Group:
- And drag the following EXE into your Start-up Group:
- Please reference your Microsoft Manual for more information on how
- to add Windows applications to a Window Group.
- EndUseWin:
- /*----------------Help for the Dos application -------------------*/
- HelpDOSapp:
- Before you start any application, we recommend that you run the
- diagnostic program to verify that all the settings are correct
- (i.e. Address, Interrupt, and DMA Settings). Using the DOS
- CD\ (change directory) command, change to the \PRODUCER\UTILITY
- subdirectory and type the following:
- If you require more information, please refer to Chapter 2 of
- the Sound Producer Pro Manual.
- Note: 3.3MB of hard drive space is required for all the DOS
- applications.
- EndDOSapp:
- /*-------------- Help for the Player diskette build ----------------*/
- HelpCopy:
- This option will create a diskette with a Playback Only version of
- VOICE NOTES, a Windows sound driver that does not require a sound card,
- and an installer for both of these. You may give this diskette to
- your associates, so that they can play Voice Notes embedded
- in documents you send them. The sound driver will be installed only
- if there is no hardware already installed that can play PCM format
- sound.
- The diskette has an installer program called INSTALL.EXE. Insert the
- diskette in a floppy drive and type "INSTALL". The program will copy
- the drivers and applications into your \Windows subdirectory.
- The Windows SYSTEM.INI file will be updated and the WAVE= statement
- will be modified. If the system already has a sound card installed,
- there is no need to install this driver.
- If you have any questions, please contact our Technical Support at
- (510) 683-0323.
- EndCopy: